1 min readNov 17, 2022


This photograph comes from a place that is close to my heart, a sunset over the Ganges as it flows through Rajghat in Varanasi. The everyday event draws us into silent wonder, a time we fondly call Asthachal, when we experience in the collective silence, a deep connecction with the water, the wind, the sun, the sky and beyond.

Like so many other things, photography has changed the way we see things, mark moments and make memories. The camera built within the mobile phone, has grown in sophistication over the years and democratised image making. The masters ofcourse see things quite differently, capturing moments of drama and freezing in stillness the fleeting dynamics of life, and my respect for them remains.

#cellnama by Museo Camera, Centre for the Photographic Arts, Gurgaon, has been a fun and interesting way to connect with likeminded trigger happy people who makes photos with the mobile phone, and see the world through their lens.

The 100 images selected from what was shared in the Facebook group Cell NAMA have been on exhibit at Museo Camera for the past month, 25 at a time. In the final display of 25 photographs, one of the images I clicked will be on display.

Those in Gurgaon, do drop by at Museo Camera


